When it comes to cell culture, selecting the right medium is crucial. One standout choice is Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium ...
In the world of biotechnology, the journey from cell culture to purified biomolecules is intricate and demanding. Tangential Flow Fi...
Clean, fresh water is vital for every household. Whether you’re cooking, drinking, or bathing, the quality of your water impac...
CoPure is excited to announce the availability of JSBio’s Celhappy DMEM (High Glucose), an advanced cell culture medium design...
Presenting Complete Bioprocess Solution From Upstream To Downstream. At CoPure, we are excited to announce our new partnerships with...
Cobetter offers an extensive portfolio of Copure membrane filters designed to meet diverse application needs across various industri...
Cobetter’s Vent Filters through Copure are specially designed for air and gas applications, including the venting of bioreactors, fe...
In the realm of laboratory work, precision and reliability are key. When it comes to filtering solutions, the Hydrophilic Nylon Syri...
When it comes to reliable and efficient filtration, Cobetter syringe filters are a top choice for many labs and research facilities....
Ensuring clean, clear, and safe water throughout your home is essential for health and the longevity of your appliances. The Big Blu...
The biopharmaceutical industry has seen significant growth in recent years, accompanied by stricter validation standards and an enha...
When it comes to laboratory and industrial filtration, precision, reliability, and quality are paramount. Cobetter syringe filters, ...